Friday, October 23, 2009

A-Team, Rampage on the Set

While initial reports from various MMA sites got us worried that Rampage Jackson would not be sporting the signature B. A. Baracus fro-hawk and gaudy jewelery collaberation, ET proved them wrong when they visited the set of the new A-Team movie yesterday.

Mr. T as B.A. Baracus in the original A-Team

Jackson is the spitting image of a modern Mr. T. The 2009 Baracus is depicted as sporting a chin strap and goatee as well as some cheek-bone-framing-chops that are more Rampage than Kimbo. Along with the facial hair is the fro-hawk only minus the 20-pounds of gold around his neck.

(Courtesy ET via

The original A-Team was a little before my time, but with Rampage Jackson, Bradly Cooper, and Jessica Biel in the cast, I'm looking forward to the twenty-first century edition.

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