1. When did you fall in love with MMA? Or is it just a "day job"?
Well i started watching UFC when I was 16. I didn't actually fall in love with it until recently when I began working for the UFC though. Now I have a ton of respect for the sport and the fighters.
2. How have things changed for you since UFC 92 (your debut)?
Thing's actually haven't necessarily changed in my everyday life. I still work during the week modeling. Only on fight weekends am I anything special ;) Then the craziness starts.. I still don't get it
3. What was your family's reaction when you told them you were going to be a ring girl? What was your mother's reaction? If you had a boyfriend at the time, what was his reaction?
I didn't necessarily "tell" my parents I was going to be a ring girl. We kind of figured it out together.. The first person I called was my mom. I called her right after I had met Dana and Craig and they had offered me the job, and I asked her what she thought about it. I always go to her for advice. She's able to relax me so that I'm able to look at a situation from every angle She was really excited for me, but nervous at the same time (typical mother haha). I called my boyfriend next and his reaction was the same. He was excited but also nervous, and I can understand that, because this was new for everyone and nobody knew what to expect. He told me that he would support me with whatever I wanted to do. Then I called my best friends Kyle and Stephanie. It wasn't until after talking to them, and listening to how excited they were for me, that I was truly set on taking the job.
4. Were do you want this whole "Octagon Girl" thing to go? What are your plans after the UFC?
I've been given this amazing opportunity and I plan to utilize the press it's given me, but I'm not sure which direction to take it in yet. I've got a few ideas floating around up there.. ;)
5. Did you watch the UFC before becoming an Octagon Girl?
I got a little ahead of myself I guess, because already answered that in the first question.. Oops!
6. You've got a great body. Did you do sports and work out growing up or are you just naturally thin?
Thank you! Growing up I was always tall and lanky. I could eat anything.. and I did. Since I began modeling though, I've become
more conscious of what I eat and how I work out. I work with a trainer who has taught me a lot about nutrition. As far as working out goes, I love to run. I live on the water so every morning I run 3-4 miles along the boardwalk. It's the most motivating way for me to start the day.
7. What is your favorite indulgence? (food, activities, etc)
I think I speak for every model when I say that my greatest indulgence is food. A lot of people don't realize how difficult modeling can be. My job is based on how my body looks so I'm constantly watching what I eat. It can be really stressful at times.. And that's probably why they created chocolate :P
8. Who are your role models?
I have 2. My mom and my sister. The two strongest women I've ever known.
9. I know you're a self-proclaimed "dork" (me too, no worries) but what's the "unseen" side of Logan?
I guess that I'm very sensitive. It's probably my greatest strength and weakness at the same time.
10. You're 20- have you gone to any college yet? Do you plan to? If so, what for?
I went to college for 2 years and then when I first began modeling I tried taking a couple online classes, but because I was constantly moving around I wasn't able to put in the time and effort I wanted, so I put college to the side. Now I'm settled in a place and can really focus on school.
11. What's your most embarrassing moment (while or before you were an Octagon Girl)?
I don't think I have a most embarrassing moment.. Probably because I don't take myself too seriously and anything that would have been considered a "most embarrassing moment" was just another laugh. I do have a lot of brain-farts though. My most recent one was yesterday when my boyfriend and I were debating about the spanish alphabet. It was something like this..
Stephan: "It's a, be, ce, de.."
Logan: "No! Uno, dos, tres!"
I sadly admit I took 2 years of spanish in high school..
12. If you could spend one day with anyone- living or dead, famous or not- who would it be?
Michael Cera. He's the kid from Superbad.. Nick & Norah.. I love him
13. What's the best part of being a ring girl? What's the worst part of being a ring girl?
Best part: Traveling, Worst part: Traveling
14. I know you have a boyfriend... but for the gentlemen reading- What do you look for in a guy?
The first thing that gets my attention is a smile. After that it's all personality. He needs to be confident, but still down to earth.. Somebody that can make me laugh as well as laugh at himself.. Oh! Somebody that likes animals. I went on a date once with a guy who told me he didn't like animals. I don't know what type of person doesn't like animals, but I'm pretty sure that can't be good..
15. Who's your favorite fighter?
It's hard to have a favorite fighter.. especially after getting to know some of the guys. (Not in a bad way, I would just base favorites more on their personality rather than fighting style.)
16. If you weren't doing this, what would you be doing?
I would probably be a little more focused on modeling
17. You recently moved to California- How's the move to L.A. been? Is it a
huge change from Florida?
I'll admit.. Although I love California I'm not very fond of LA. I just moved to Long Beach though and I love it. I've found that I'm most comfortable living by the water. It's just a different energy from living in the city. More mellow i guess.. Plus the people are normal here ;)
18. What's a normal days routine on fight day?
On the day of the fights I don't do much of anything really. I usually act like I would if I was on vacation. I wake up late and then check out the city for a few hours before I need to be at the arena. Even though we're only there for the weekend I try to make the most out of it and see as much of the area as I can.
19. Are there any weird restrictions the UFC puts on you? Like "No visible tattoos" or "Don't date the fighters" or anything like that?
Nothing too weird.. That I know of
20. What's one thing you want the majority of people to know about you that they probably don't?
I honestly can't think of anything.. There's nothing THAT interesting about me that I would want people to know about. I'm just a normal girl.. I would actually consider myself pretty boring haha
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